Very cool at 16 seconds!
nice and catchy man, and nice addition of the sounds as the track flows.
loving all the sounds you mixed in this, nice track
- EzMa
Very cool at 16 seconds!
nice and catchy man, and nice addition of the sounds as the track flows.
loving all the sounds you mixed in this, nice track
- EzMa
I see it as trance or a sub-genre in trance but who cares im focused on the music itself.
The filter intro of the melody is cool at around 14sec . I like it , and no worries about mastering but please do some EQ on the track, it will bring out your sounds more and make them sound even more beautiful! But the sounds are ok in this case, but im sure you know all about EQ anyways :)
Keep up the nice work bro
- EzMa
Thanks man!
Yeah, and it's not the only thing it lacks : I FORGOT TO SIDECHAIN!! At least I did the minimum (kick on bass).
Love the high melody, its personally my type of melodies.
Great trance feeling,
Thanks! Well this one was a quick demo of melodies... but I personally think that this is one is one of my best songs around here. Thanks again for your review. If you liked this kind of melody progression I recommend you take a look to my audio page and search for my song called Unreal Piano. Don't vote or download if you don't want! :D
nice nice nice!
This is cool man,
I especially love the way that bass sounds man!
Nice FX and great sounds man, got me wanting to go back to the mega buzz festival i was at last night
- EzMa
Thanks man! I'm glad you like it! :D
not bad
This has got some potential.
At around 1:00 the kick is not sync with the other sounds. You can definitely fix that in one second.
Then the song can grow into something even cooler, i can hear you got the potential :)
- EzMa
Thanks a lot :)
I'll fix that and maybe make a longer version as Qomplainerz, too.
I can see where you are going with this.
I personally think you could do a different pattern with that sound. That is just my preference though, you may have a bigger picture for this sound than I can figure since this preview is quite short. :)
Overall its alright
- EzMa
I was planning to make that one a bit sad and dreamy.
If you have another idea let me know.
Maybe I should make several leads and ask some friends which one they liked the most, too :)
This song is in early stages. Maybe I should have posted a longer preview with a little beat later hmm
Very nice
Wow this is very good.
The sounds mix together very well and the feeling of the music came to life from the beginning of the song.
The background sounds in the beginning was very relaxing and easy to listen to as well.
Another thing to know if a song is great is if it also helps me write my essay for my college philosophy course, which it has, Now that's great music.
Produce more!
I'm honoured.
I apologize
This song has been on here for about a month and not one single person has repaid you with a review.
Well first off, this song starts off right grabbing my attention.
I believe that this song gives a great atmosphere for relaxing and studying , which is exactly what i am doing right now! Perfect song!
haha apology accepted
hope it helped you ace your schoolwork
Age 33, Male
website+forum owner
right behind u
Joined on 4/15/04