Man I gotta tell ya, beautiful choice of music!
Nice animation, sometimes alittle wierd but good enough for me :)
Animation: Great
Frame by Frame set up: Good
Music: Awesome!
Overall: Very Nice!
Voted: 5
Man I gotta tell ya, beautiful choice of music!
Nice animation, sometimes alittle wierd but good enough for me :)
Animation: Great
Frame by Frame set up: Good
Music: Awesome!
Overall: Very Nice!
Voted: 5
wow I never thought so many people drew keanu reeves.
Usually I dont vote very well with slideshows that are just pictures, but since its a collab of real art work made by a bunch of people and such, I suppose I can give them all a nice 4
Voted: 4
Hey , good
Its not much but its easy to follow and interesting to watch.
Your teacher better give you an A on this, or else your teacher is has no taste.
:) ,
Graphics: 7
Animation: 8
Story: 9
Overall: 8
Voted: 5
:) thanks, I really apprechiate it.
those are all true facts
I voted 5 for helping me realize how lucky I am to not be internet hooked ;)
Nice, it was funny enough for me to vote 5 for it ,
Voted: 5
um, well
it was alirght, nothing new compared to those other random flashes about certain topics.
Well, good try, sorry bud
voted: 1
not bad my friend
Nice music, I love that music !
Anyways, good flash, good music, good story
Voted: 3
Whoa , creepy!
That sound clip got me ready for one of those random pop-up scary pictures (if you know what i mean ;) )
Well, I say short flash, but good
Voted: 3
not bad
I like the smooth quality of your flash, which is great to have
I also liked the short-story... you ought' to make some more short stories because it seems like something I can see you doing :)
Great quality, Great Flash
Voted: 3
Age 33, Male
website+forum owner
right behind u
Joined on 4/15/04